Education Program & Scholarship
JPIC-IDC supports deserving children of poor and underprivileged families to get a good education through scholarship & sponsorship programs.
Education is transformative. History is full of examples of prominent people whose lives have been changed for the better because of education.
Indeed, investing in education for the less fortunate children is one of the noblest ways to give them a bright future. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” said Benjamin Franklin. Undoubtedly, it’s a key to give them hope that someday, they would become somebody.
Early Childhood & Care Development Programs—UNESCO emphasizes that education should start at a very young age. It is for this reason that JPIC-IDC has aggressively embarked on early childhood & care development programs. They are implemented in the Province of Cebu and the Province of Agusan del Sur.
Scholarship & Sponsorship—JPIC-IDC provides sponsorship to almost 2,000 elementary, junior & senior high students , and to a dozen of university students in the Provinces of Cebu and Agusan de Sur every year.
Mobile School & Library—Through its 2 Mobile School & Library Buses, JPIC-IDC offers tutorial & remedial classes to underprivileged & street children in Metro Cebu. It is also a good venue for them to socialize and to learn human values instead of sniffing toxic substance (rugby) elsewhere.
Human and Community Development
It is being said that people from all cultures and walks of life give strong meanings and emotional associations to a home. Being without a home is devastating on personal, social, and many other levels. The issues raised by homelessness exist on a world scale and will be aggravated by climate change and rising populations.
It is in this optic that JPIC-IDC has embarked into constructing low cost socialized housing units for homeless people, dumpsite dweller, informal settlers, etc. It is a noble work to give shelters to those who have never had the luxury of owning a house they can call home.
It is equally important to empower them to respond to their basic human need. Thus JPIC-IDC helps them to organize themselves into cooperatives and self-help groups to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations.
Needless to say that JPIC-IDC seeks to create a peaceful, healthy, vibrant, inclusive and cohesive communities; and empowering them to effectively respond to their basic human needs.
Low Cost Housing Projects—JPIC-IDC builds low cost socialized housing units for informal settlers and dumpsite dwellers. To date, it has already built more than 1,000 housing units in the cities of Lapu-lapu, Mandaue and Talisay, and in the towns of Bantayan, Compostela and Cordova, in the Province of Cebu.
Health and Nutrition—These interventions benefit thousands of children in the Province of Cebu and in the Province of Agusan del Sur. Sadly, thousands of malnourished children with precarious health conditions form part of the social landscape of the Philippines.
Formation and strengthening of Cooperatives & Self-Help Groups—in entrepreneurial skills & marketing. JPIC-IDC tries to help these ‘resettled people’ from the dumpsites & slums to find alternative means of earning a living in their new community through cooperatives and income generating activities.
Providing small loan/credit—The organization offers small loans and credit to individuals and/or to people’s organizations to increase the capital for their enterprise.
Building Functional Networks and Partnership—For long term sustainability, JPIC-IDC partners with LGUs & government line agencies, NGOs, private sectors and other stakeholders.
Women and Children Development
Trafficking in Person (TIP) is a global phenomenon. It is considered a modern-day slavery and a multi-million-dollar business. Without question, TIP is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. According to the UN report, every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad. Unfortunately, majority of the victims are from third world countries.
Additionally, one despicable reality, similar to TIP, is the online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC). It is indeed very sad to note that, in connivance with pedophiles, the parents of these children are themselves the prime culprits. And it is regrettable that this phenomenon is rampart in many parts of the Philippines, most especially in impoverished areas.
Violence against women and their children (VAWC) is another common phenomenon worldwide. Philippines is no exception. Needless to say that this is an everyday reality in many parts of the country.
JPIC-IDC therefore wants to raise awareness on the social issues of TIP, VAWC and OSEC among the people. Equally, it helps to capacitate LGUs, Duty Bearers, communities, etc. in addressing these social issues.
Cinemobile Project—prevention and fight against human trafficking and VAWC in Caraga Region in Mindanao.
Cyberprotection—Advocacy against online sexual exploitation of children in Caraga Region and Province of Cebu.
Recovery and After Care Centers—rehabilitation & reintegration of prostituted women and girls in Cebu.
Protection of the Environment and Disaster Response & Risk Management
It is common knowledge that in recent years, we witness unprecedented environmental problems worldwide. Global warming has essentially changed the weather patterns. These changes, according to experts, are brought about by human activity. Hundreds of thousands of lives are in danger due to aggressive land transformation & deforestation in the name of development. Unregulated & abusive mining & logging practices have led to the destruction of our natural resources (forests, lakes & rivers, oceans, etc.) and wildlife habitats & sanctuaries. People sacrifice the protection of the environment and conservation of natural resources in favor of profit.
Environmental scientists warn us that if we take this issue for granted, the potential of upcoming threat of natural disaster lies widely open for us and the next generation. In fact, right now, we are already experiencing the effects of global warming & climate change.
Understandably, there is a call to exert all efforts to properly manage our environment & natural resources. In this way, we can assure a bright future to the young.
Coastal Resource Management—This project is being implemented in Bogo Bay, located in the northern part of the Province of Cebu, Philippines. This is part of JPIC-IDC’s advocacy for the conservation of our natural resources and the protection of our environment.
Tree Planting—One of the objectives of JPIC-IDC in the next five years is to plant a minimum of 2,000 trees (including fruit bearing trees) every year.
Training on DRRM – Making partner communities and staff resilient and prepared to respond to natural calamities/disasters (earthquakes, typhoons, flooding, etc.).