JPIC-IDC, Inc. is a faith-based Non-Government Organization (NGO) registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with registration number: C200100503 dated June 18, 2001. The institution started with the efforts of SVD priests. Its direction-setting body, the Board of Trustees (BOT) is composed of nine (9) members representing varied sectors from the Church, Academe and Private Sector. JPIC-IDC believes in the holistic development of persons in their communities so that they be able to carve the kind of development they can pursue.

Integral empowerment of communities towards sustainable development

JPIC-IDC, Inc. is a faith-based Non-Government Organization (NGO) registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission

(SEC) with registration number: C200100503 dated June 18, 2001. JPIC-IDC is certified by the Philippine Council for NGO certification

(PCNC) and recognized as a Donee e institution by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) with certification number: 032-2009.

The institution started with the efforts of SVD priests. Its direction-setting body, the Board of Trustees (BOT) is composed of nine (9) members representing varied sectors from the Church, Academe and Private Sector. JPIC-IDC believes in the holistic development of persons in their communities so that they be able to carve the kind of development they can pursue.

JPIC-IDC is committed to work for:
• A continuing holistic education
• The strengthening of families, protection and care of women and children
• Integral empowerment of communities towards sustainable development
• Disaster preparedness and emergency response and rehabilitation

Fullness of life in a transformed society

• Life: To nurture life in all forms
• Integrity: Upholding one’s values of honesty and accountability, to be transparent, fair and authentic
• Solidarity: Oneness in striving for common good
• Commitment: Passion for service
• Stewardship: Co-responsibility for the good of all

Education Program & Scholarship

JPIC-IDC supports deserving children of poor and underprivileged families to get a good education through scholarship & sponsorship programs. Education is transformative. History is full of examples of prominent people whose lives have been changed for the better because of education.

Human and Community Development

It is being said that people from all cultures and walks of life give strong meanings and emotional associations to a home. Being without a home is devastating on personal, social, and many other levels. The issues raised by homelessness exist on a world scale and will be aggravated by climate change and rising populations.

Women and Children Development

Trafficking in Person (TIP) is a global phenomenon. It is considered a modern-day slavery and a multi-million-dollar business. Without question, TIP is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights.

Protection of the Environment and Disaster Response

It is common knowledge that in recent years, we witness unprecedented environmental problems worldwide. Global warming has essentially changed the weather patterns. These changes, according to experts, are brought about by human activity.


JPIC-IDC, INC. Activities

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